today’s project: my clothes. this is one i’ve been putting off, but i made a good dent today! i don’t know if it would have been easier or harder had i actually FIT into all the clothes i’ve been toting around for the past 10 years. nope, pretty sure the jeans i wore out of college before life with three babies aren’t going to fit the same way again….ever. time to let go. though i have NOT been successful following the KonMari method, i did find it useful today to realize these clothes have served their purpose and it is ok to let them go. crazy the memories that we can attach to clothing, right? like the sweater I was wearing the day we brought our puppy home and i had him hiding out in the pocket!
Needless to say all this stuff is now OUT and I am one step closer to creating a capsule wardrobe that will work for our life on the road!
Who here has done a capsule wardrobe? Tips? I’ll be updating when I get mine down to that and all set!