gluten free/dairy free pickup truck birthday cake

My project today was all about BIRTHDAYS! With 2 family birthdays these past few weeks today we celebrated with a gluten free & dairy free pickup truck cake!

truck_bdaycakeI just used a gluten free cake mix for the base and then added in some of our favorite Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips to the batter for more flavor and personality! Followed that with some quick and easy marshmallow fondant, and shaped a truck cake that was supposed to look like daddy’s truck (my husband is re-building his great grandfather’s ’68 GMC). So thankful for all the gluten free resources out there now and that even with food allergies my boys can enjoy some fun birthday cakes!


4 ingredient dairy free chocolate mousse

After going dairy-free a few years ago because of our son’s food allergies, chocolate pudding was one thing we definitely cut from our diet that we missed (though it’s a good thing now that I look back at the ingredients)!

I came across this amazing recipe shortly afterwards and our idea of dessert was forever changed! I wish I had come up with this on my own, but give many many thanks to Katie at for this amazing recipe. I find it tastes much more like a rich chocolate mousse than chocolate frosting. Best thing is that it’s DAIRY FREE and uses nothing but simple real ingredients!

Dairy Free Chocolate MousseHere’s all it takes: (WARNING: you will want to double it so go ahead and prep 2 cans)

  • 1 can coconut milk or cream
  • 1/4 cup 100% cacao powder or cocoa powder (I like to use the dark cacao)
  • 1 tsp pure organic vanilla extract
  • sweetener of your choice to taste

The challenge here is it takes some advanced planning. Open the can of coconut milk, remove the lid and refrigerate for a day (if you can wait that long). You need the cream and the water to separate and the cream to thicken. Carefully remove it from the fridge, pour the cream out into a bowl and save the coconut water to add to your next chicken marinade (coconut is the BEST for marinating chicken)! Add the rest of the ingredients to the cream and mix thoroughly!

If you dump this all in a high speed blender like a Vitamix it literally takes about 3 seconds to be rich and thick. If you want to not waste a single drop getting stuck to the side of a blender, go ahead and whip it up by hand with a fork. 🙂

BONUS TIP (from lots of experience): If you do want to throw this in the vitamix, after scraping out all that you can salvage for your mousse, make a fresh cup of coffee, pour it in, quickly blend with the stuff that’s stuck to the sides of the blender and pour the sweet mocha goodness all back into your cup! enjoy 🙂

On that note, if you make a double batch and happen to have any left, a few spoon fulls in a fresh cup of coffee does make a MEAN rich chocolate mocha…and all DAIRY FREE with the health benefits of coconut!

How to eat real food…really:: READ LABELS!

There is SO much that could be discussed when it comes to the topic of reading labels, food labeling and knowing WHAT it is you are actually eating. food labelsI hate to admit that up until a few years ago I rarely glanced at labels when buying food. I knew what I wanted to buy and eat and had been doing the same thing for years, so what was the big deal? Thankfully my son’s severe food allergies rocked our world in a GOOD way when it came to being aware of exactly what we were putting into our bodies…..down the the smallest ingredient.

I was in shock. I had no idea how much ‘stuff’ was in simple things I was buying. It was crap I could not pronounce, had no idea what it was and even worse, didn’t know what damage it was causing our bodies by eating it!

The goal in moving toward real food is cutting out the processed stuff.

Here are just a few tips when it comes to reading labels that you can try and implement to help you become more aware of what you’re buying!

Buy food that doesn’t need labeling! Fresh produce and pastured farm meats are obviously the best choice for your meals. There’s nothing to worry about when nothing has been done to the basic product! I’m not going to pretend like I’m an expert at this. We are often still looking for quick go-to stuff on days I have failed to plan, but even the ‘shelf stuff’ can be purchased wisely and changed to promote healthier eating. Buy local and organic as much as possible. This is by far the #1 change to make in eating clean, real food!

Buy identifiable ingredients! Take a little more time next time you shop and compare products. The first time I went to buy chips after starting to read labels, I realized that the brand I usually reached for had about 25 ingredients. what?!?! What was all that junk?? Picking up an organic option next to it I found 3 ingredients. 3 ingredients that I knew what they were. I felt more confident knowing what I was getting and consuming with the 2nd option and actually tasted better too. Buy items that have only whole, real, identifiable ingredients….things that you know are real. If you can’t pronounce it, best to avoid it!

Know what you want to avoid. Do your research when it comes to which ingredients are harmful to your family’s health and diet. People trying to eat real food are going to want to cut out things such as….

  • high fructose corn syrup
  • artificial sweeteners
  • flavor enhancers (like nitrates)
  • preservatives (like MSG)
  • hydrogenated oils
  • artificial colors and dyes

Learn common ‘hidden ingredients’ especially when health or allergies are involved. Many ingredients are disguised under different terms and may not always jump out as obvious. There is often milk or wheat in items that you would never think would have or need them included!! For example, if you’re avoiding dairy, learn which ingredients are actually dairy beyond the label saying ‘milk’ or ‘cheese.’ For a dairy allergy, you also have to learn that ingredients such as whey, casein, buttermilk, cream, hydrolyzed milk protein, lactose, milk solids, natural butter flavor, etc. are also dairy!
View a complete list of common dairy and dairy ‘hidden ingredients’ here.

Ignore and avoid the “marketing labels” used on packaging. Ignore the verbage such as ‘low fat’, ‘made with real fruit’, ‘100% natural’, ‘multigrain’, ‘no sugar added’, etc. There is very little regulation and most of these mean nothing and a few are clues that there are probably extra chemicals and additives that you really don’t want! Again, make sure you look at the actual ingredients list to know what you are buying!

The best method is not to rush through and throw away everything you have, but to make slow, determined changes every time you go to buy food. Read the label and know that big changes start with the little choices, so start making better choices now!


3 ingredient breakfast cookies!

We love making these for so many reasons….here are just a few
1) they are delicious
2) my 3 year old can make them
3) my boys LOVE to eat them
4) they satisfy my preggo cravings for something sweet
5) they have 3 basic ingredients!

breakfast cookiesSo here you go….enjoy

Breakfast Cookies


put ingredients in stand mixer and blend until soft sticky ‘dough’ consistency. At this point you can also throw in some mini chocolate chips, coconut flakes, craisins, whatever you feel like. We like to sprinkle in Enjoy Life Allergen Free Mini-Chocolate Chips.

Drop by spoon-full on greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for about 10-12 minutes!

Allergy Friendly Chicken Satays with Peanut-Free Sauce

This is one of my all time favorite recipes, something we created after spending our honeymoon in Thailand.  We could NOT get enough of their food!  This is an extremely mild American-ized version of a classic Thai satay.  Enjoy!

peanut free peanut sauceThai Chicken Satays with Sunbutter (or Peanut) Sauce

  • 20  chicken tenderloins
  • 20  bamboo skewers (optional)


  • 1 can coconut milk
  • gluten free teriyaki sauce  (appx 1/4 – 1/2 cup?) (see my amazon store for where to buy)
  • honey  (appx 2 Tbsp)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • steak seasonings or your fav seasoning mix  (sprinkle it over marinade)
  • lime juice  (appx 2 Tbsp)

mix all marinade ingredients.  Pour over chicken tenderloins in a sealed container or ziplock bag and marinate at least 4-6 hours (preferably overnight).

at least 1 hour prior to cooking, soak bamboo skewers in water to prevent scorching on grill

The most amazing peanut sauce in the world. Due to my son’s severe peanut allergy we now make this with Sunbutter vs. Peanut butter to make it allergy friendly

  • 1/3 – 1/2 cup Sunbutter (if no allergy, use fresh ground honey roasted peanut butter)
  • 1/4 cup chicken broth (I like to add this at the end so I can thin it only as much as it needs)
  • 2 Tbsp dijon or spicy brown mustard
  • 1 Tbsp. gluten free teriyaki sauce
  • 2-4 Tbsp. honey (to desired sweetness)
  • a few drops of hot sauce or chili pepper sauce (as desired)
  • 1/2 tsp. fresh ground ginger
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp. lime juice

before cooking chicken, make sauce
mix natural peanut or sunflower nut butter, chicken stock, teriyaki sauce, dijon mustard, honey, chili sauce, garlic, ginger and lime juice together in mini food processer until creamy.  Adjust thickness with chicken stock and heat with chili sauce as desired.
Store in refrigerator until ready to serve.


Skewer each tenderloin and grill to desired doneness, brushing with reserved marinade to keep moist while cooking. TIP: arrange chicken skewers so that the ‘handle’ rests on top of the tenderloin next to it on the grill to further prevent them from scorching. Can also grill chicken directly without skewering.  Serve with peanut sauce and jasmine rice! For entertaining, it’s also great with an appetizer of home made mango salsa. Delicious both hot or cold!

how eat real food….really: CSA produce

The idea of eating real food is awesome, but the implementation in every day life with little ones running around, long days and empty cabinets can often be overwhelming. The secret to success is making small changes that you can sustain. Don’t try and change everything at once, but try and change one thing for good. Each change will take you one step closer to a healthier lifestyle!

One change that we made toward this goal was to join a local CSA.
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and is basically a subscription to a local farm for their produce. Not all CSA farms are organic, but many of them are and you can search for one that is certified organic to be sure you know exactly what you’ll be getting. Each one is set up a bit differently, but for the most part you agree to pay a set fee and get a regular pick-up or delivery of their box of produce!


  • You support local organic farming
  • You get whatever they have growing that week which is part of the greatness of it. It will challenge you and your family to eat local organic produce and greatly expand your repertoire of real food. It often opens your eyes to new produce that you would not normally buy and more produce variety = big health benefits!
  • Most CSA’s are a cost savings over buying even non-local, non-organic produce at the grocery store, and a huge cost savings from buying the items individually at a health food store or farmer’s market.
  • Having fresh produce delivered to your door saves many trips to the grocery store!


If you don’t know how to find a CSA in your area, just ask around at your local farmer’s market, google CSA and your city or visit a site like to find more information on CSA programs in your area.

If you live in a subdivision with good neighbor interaction or if you have a channel to communicate news and information with the community, consider starting a CSA program in your neighborhood. Many farms or CSA groups will give a host discount or free produce box to someone who coordinates a neighborhood pick-up that exceeds a certain # of orders. It’s a great community event, and a way to supplement the cost with a little bit of time and effort!

Dairy Free Chocolate ‘Milkshakes’ for Breakfast!

My little one is 2 today, and the birthday boy is so excited about chocolate ‘milkshakes’ for breakfast! When you’re special treat is sweetened with bananas and sunbutter while hiding kale and vitamin D, you can feel good about saying ‘YES’ to chocolate milkshakes!


  • 3 large bananas
  • appx 1/2 cup Sunbutter
  • 1 tsp Organic Vanilla Extract
  • a handful of ice cubes
  • 2-3 Tbsp 100% cacao powder
  • leaves from 1-2 stalks of kale (stems removed) and/or 1-2 cups spinach leaves
  • 1/2 an avocado if you want to add in more good fat and make it creamier
  • 2 cups organic rice milk (or more depending on desired thickness)

Mix the following in a Vitamix or other high speed blender, pour into cups and enjoy! (per our pediatrician’s recommendation, I also add 1-2 drops of Carlson Vitamin D drops (2,000 IU) to each of our cups before drinking, and often add in 1 Tbsp of DHA/EPA Omega 3 fish oil for kids (message me if you want to know where to get this). The boys LOVE this dairy free, nut free treat and hopefully you will too!

Living “free” – our story with food allergies

If you’d have asked me before I had kids if there were things that I didn’t think I would ever be able to deal with, having a child with food allergies would have been high on my list. My husband and I LOVE food. We love to travel and often recall our favorite places by the amazing food we found. Our favorite relaxing outing was a trip to whole foods to discover a new cheese and wine pairing. Our evenings at home evolve around cooking together and mastering new recipes. Neither of us have any food allergies and we would never have imagined having to change the way we eat and think about food.

About 4 months after our first son was born it became apparent that he was having issues with some of the foods I was eating. I tried going off of all dairy as I’d heard many babies are sensitive to cow’s milk protein. I stopped drinking milk and eating cheese, but quickly learned that milk is in a LOT of things….things you’d never even think of. Not only was I tired and sleep deprived from having a newborn (who was struggling with eating and health issues), but I quickly became overwhelmed with things I was not allowed to eat and soon found myself in tears in the middle of the deli on our next outing to Whole Foods. It wasn’t pretty – I literally had a break down right in front of all the Friday night shoppers.

It was too hard. I couldn’t do it. I could even think about what to eat, all I could think about is what I couldn’t have and was convinced that we’d soon die of starvation. All that to say we quickly learned that my son was not just allergic to milk, but to ALL of the top allergens (dairy, wheat, egg, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, etc….) We ended up having to put him on an elemental formula to gain weight. A few months later he started eating solid foods and our lives were forever changed. We had to accommodate these allergies and we bought NOTHING without reading labels. It was horrific to discover some of the things that are in the food we were eating with no thought. I was forced to learn how to cook with the few ingredients that he COULD have in order for him to have balanced meals with things he could eat.

When my 2nd son was born the doctors advised that I avoid any dairy or peanut given the fact that our other son’s allergies are so severe. I was not super excited about this after the trauma of my first attempt, but this time around I felt much more confident. I knew there were things out there that I could eat, and if my son could go without ANY of the allergens, I could surely go without two of them with no complaining. We have since learned to make all of our family dinners free of all major allergens. We will occasionally eat a piece of bread and eggs (although my son has an anaphylactic allergy to them so we have to be super careful to not cross-contaminate), but these items are a rare addition, not an every day occurrence.

I have tried a LOT of products, recipes and experimented with things over the past 3 years.  I will try and document some of these recipes and tips in hopes to pass along the info, and safe someone else the time and energy! I hope to give someone else out there in this situation some hope that you CAN do it!! You can eat better than you EVER have and don’t have to live thinking that you are missing out. Good luck and please message me with any questions!

Crying over Baked Milk

I am so nervous right now. I am waiting on a batch of gluten free muffins to come out of the oven that for the first time ever contain REAL egg and REAL milk. Honestly it grossed me out to even buy the milk, after not hardly touching the stuff for 3 years. But…I digress. Tomorrow we will find out if my 3 year old will be able to tolerate milk and egg after they are baked into an item. His tests still show a positive reaction to egg as of last week and we haven’t received the results of the latest test to milk so that makes my anxiety climb even more. His wheat allergy is still high so passing this for baked milk and egg will only open up a few more options for gluten free baking, but any openings are welcome when you live in the restrictive world of food allergies. I literally just cried while mixing the batter. Intentionally putting ingredients into a food for your little one to eat after 3 years of it being a deadly poison for them is nothing short of terrifying. I am so thankful that he has no idea what will be happening other than me trying to get him to eat very small increments of a random muffing throughout the morning and watching him like a hawk. I pray that my anxiety will not be evident to him, and that I will be able to relax and realize that my God is bigger than this and is able to do far more than we could ever have asked or imagined. I pray that a small part of his world will be expanded tomorrow, and that not even a questionable reaction will occur. I can’t say I am fully confident of this as I type, but it is a prayer for a reason. Stay tuned……

Paleo Almond Crusted Pork Loin and Cranberry Chutney

Before my son came along and we were forced to eat according to food allergies, my husband and I tried to eat Paleo in an effort to reduce our intake of processed foods and refined sugars and improve our health and lifestyle. While it can be a big lifestyle change and a huge challenge, it’s great to stretch out of the box, find new family favorites and use REAL FOOD!

Here is one of the recipes that we love, though we’ve had to cut since due to severe nut allergies. Please forgive the vague measurements but I was ‘improvising’ as I went. The spiced Chutney makes a wonderful flavor for the holiday season!

Almond Crusted Pork Loin

  • 1 package of thin cut boneless pork loin chops (much thinner than regular pork chops)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 c. coconut milk
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • about 1 cup whole raw almonds
  • thyme, rosemary, black pepper, parsley

combine beaten egg, coconut milk and honey in a shallow pan
grind almonds in mini food processor until finely chopped, add spices to almond mixture/
sea salt and pepper the pork loin if desired
dip pork loin in egg wash, then coat in almond mixture

place coated pork loin on greased foil lined baking sheet and bake at 450 for appx 15-20 min (cooking time may vary so do not overcook)

Cranberry Apple Chutney

  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 granny smith apple, cored and finely chopped
  • white cooking wine
  • white vinegar
  • balsamic vinegar
  • ground ginger, allspice, cinnamon, cloves

while pork is cooking, heat about 1 cup water in saucepan and bring to low boil
add cranberries and apples and cook until tender
while cooking, add some (appx 2 Tbsp each) white wine, white vinegar & balsamic vinegar along with a dash of all the spices
when apples are tender, pour mix into food processor and blend to desired consistency
spoon chutney onto almond crusted pork loin and serve

I served this dish with olive oil roasted asparagus.  Let me know if you try it and love it as much as we did!

<3 My Vitamix!

We just finished up week 2 with our new Vitamix and I really feel like this thing has revolutionized our meals and taken our nutrition to a whole new level. I know, it’s just an appliance, but I can make things now that I really could not have made before. The amount of fresh produce that we are consuming is outrageous, and my 1 and 2 year old boys are regularly consuming things like kale, spinach, flax and celery….and LOVE it! Ok, I’ll stop before I sound like an infomercial :)

I needed to make this list before I forget to jot down these recipes, so here are some of the things I’ve made just in the past 2 weeks…

  • Kale Green Smoothies
  • Banana Blueberry Smoothies
  • Strawberry Watermelon Smoothies
  • Coconut Kale Smoothies
  • Carrot Spinach Smoothies
  • Mustard Green Smoothies (Ok, so this one was a bad bad idea)
  • Cream of Celery & Spinach Soup
  • Carrot Ginger Soup
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Pureed Sweet Potatoes
  • Banana Oat Cookies
  • Vegan Cream Sauce
  • Peach Sorbet
  • Frozen Basil Lemonade

PS – these are ALL completely dairy/wheat/egg/nut free. With the exception of chicken stock (which could be substituted with vegetable broth) in the soups, these recipes are all vegan or could easily be made vegan.

So fun. Can’t wait to keep experimenting and better our health at the same time!